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Brods Running team...

Brods Running team...

James Ogden1 Jul - 15:07
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...take on the ENDURE24

Written by Craig Wood
On Saturday 29th June the Old Brods entered a team into the Endure 24, a 24 hour endurance run at Bramhope park in Leeds. The event involved running laps of an 8km loop in the park and seeing how far we could get in 24 hours.

Brods team consisted of Desmond Slaine (Captain), Nick Wells, Ryan Harris, Juan Gilbert, Jordan Heaton and Craig Wood. The team was a little inexperienced in this type of event, but set about organising tents, food and training for the weekend some time ago.

12 noon on Saturday well over 1000 athletes from athletic clubs the length and breadth of the country, were ready to take on the challenge, with roughly half running solo and half in various team categories based on the gender mix and numbers in the team.

The Brods lads entered as a large male team (6-8 competitors) and completed 36 laps of the course in the allotted time - 180 miles! Picking up the trophy for 3rd place in that category, a monumental effort which produced a result which both surprised and pleased us. I suspect the whole team will look back with pride once the pain has worn off.

Also a massive shout out to Simon Taylor, who runs for Queensbury and has a boy in the Brods Under 6s. He ran the Brodstock ultra the week before this event but still managed, with his team, to win the overall team event. We think it will stand him in good stead to progress an application to perhaps join the Beavers!!

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